Client References

Client References

EHA 2023 Hybrid Congress

Rik Craenmehr, Head of Congress and Meetings EHA

I am delighted to provide a reference for the outstanding accommodation services delivered by Interplan. Their dedicated and highly experienced team consistently exceeded our expectations in every aspect. They have successfully managed EHA’s approximately 24.000 room nights with unwavering professionalism and competence. Their commitment to delivering top-notch service has not gone unnoticed, as our sponsors provided very positive feedback, commending the impeccable service. One standout quality of Interplan is their unwavering reliability. Their team was always readily accessible, ensuring that any concerns or requests were addressed promptly and efficiently. We are highly appreciative of their attention to detail and their commitment to excellence. In summary, Interplan's accommodation services are second to none, and I wholeheartedly recommend them for any event or project requiring exceptional, professional accommodations. Their impressive experience and dedication to client satisfaction make them a valuable partner in delivering the very best in accommodation services.

Rik Craenmehr, Head of Congress and Meetings EHA

Virtual EASD Annual Meeting, 21-25 September 2020

Stefano Del Prato, EASD President

... We have together embarked on a new virtual adventure and have received many positive responses from our industry partners for the excellent work the Interplan team has delivered …

Stefano Del Prato, EASD President

Virtual EASD Annual Meeting 2021

Prof. Chantal Mathieu (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven & EASD Senior Vice President)

European Respiratory International Congress

Frank Eichenberg, PUBLICADDRESS Exhibition & Design GmbH

…we especially enjoyed your professionalism, flexibility and great reliability at every single of the events in all these years. We are already looking forward to the upcoming events with Interplan, knowing full well that the whole process will be harmonious, on schedule and stress-free…

Frank Eichenberg, PUBLICADDRESS Exhibition & Design GmbH

Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2016

…I would like to thank you for the great assistance you have given LDR throughout the week, the numerous special request with cars, meeting rooms, emergencies. Jürgen and Celina have always been there for us!…

Giovanna Toffoletto, lever de rideau

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

...on behalf of EAACI, I would like to thank you for the wonderful collaboration and, above all, for making the impossible possible with us. Here’s to another super collaboration...

Sue Paredi, Executive Director, EAACI Headquarters

Corporate Meeting Services | EURETINA | Hamburg, 1-4 September 2022

… thank you so much for all your work on EURETINA – I am very aware that we were extremely demanding pre event, but you managed everything perfectly for us. And having you onsite, while not the norm, was amazing – I know that Dani, Roisin, Dean and Mandy loved having you as part of the Parexel team. Your (Interplan’s) service is second to none…

Kirsty Elderfield | Senior Event Manager | Parexel MMS Europe Ltd.

EuroELSO 2020 – Virtual ECMO Day

… Fantastic effort everyone – especially the interplan team. It was a great way start to a new chapter in conferences and shines a light on how they can perhaps merge in the future with more traditional formats to maximise learning and the reach of our organisation …

Dr. Mark Davidson, Consultant Paediatric Intensivist, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Glasgow

ENDOCLUBNORD online 2020

Prof. Klaus Mergener, Speaker at ENDOCLUBNORDE, Seattle / USA

...Virtual or not, it was a great and unique honor for me to be part of ENDOCLUBNORD. I had the opportunity to watch most of the ECN (despite an early morning in Seattle, with lots of coffee). The case demonstrations were excellent as always and the presentations and moderation were very instructive. The number of participants speaks for itself and the handling was very professional! ...

Prof. Klaus Mergener, Speaker at ENDOCLUBNORDE, Seattle / USA

ITI Congress Germany 2015

Sven Pfeiffer, Event Manager ITI International Team for Implantology

…we appreciate your professionalism and dependability in the planning and the execution of our congress…

Sven Pfeiffer, Event Manager ITI International Team for Implantology

GEM 2022, Berlin Estrel

...In all honesty, this email is very much overdue as I have worked with Daniel and Rebecca for over 7 years now and I can honestly say that I would not even think of contracting another DMC when in Germany. Daniel never ceases to amaze me with his calm attitude, determination and ability to move mountains. I have worked at Parexel for almost 10 years now and I still haven’t found a DMC that even comes close to Daniel. Nothing is ever too much trouble and I feel 100% completely supported when onsite with him. In addition, he has a fantastic sense of humour and is an absolute pleasure to be around. I have also worked with Rebecca multiple times over the years and she is also absolutely fantastic. How she manages to stay so calm when juggling hundreds of people’s flight changes/ requests/ delays etc. etc. never ceases to amaze me. Her attention to detail is top notch and she truly is brilliant at her job. Both Daniel and Rebecca are a huge credit to your company and I commend them for the excellent services that they provide. I very much look forward to my next time working with them...

Holly Price, Parexel Meeting Services


Roberta Mugnai Executive Director ECTS – European Calcified Tissue Society

...We met in November last year and we discussed our collaboration. I reported you about the great team achievements and how nice and trustful is to work with your team. As a manager, I know that part is due to the performance of the staff, but also to the leaders that inspire them, so I wanted to congratulate with you and the rest of Interplan management team. You know already how much I appreciate working with Severine and the great is that every time there is something to learn from her: her attitude, her skills… and level of competences is just on the top! But this email is to share with you how it is great to work with Sina. She is always smiling and energetic, always there to help when needed. She has caught our needs very quickly and has great negotiation skills without making it too commercial as she understood that this does not work with ECTS. She has embraces our values… in short, she is the perfect match with ECTS...

Roberta Mugnai Executive Director ECTS – European Calcified Tissue Society

IAPRD World Congress 2018

Mary Ann Chapman, PhD, Executive Director, IAPRD

...Our colleagues at Interplan were truly our partners for this event, providing continuous support and advice prior to the meeting, excellent and seamless logistics during the meeting, and thorough follow-up after the meeting. This team was full of novel ideas and sound wisdom. Their interactions with our Faculty were polite and professional, their attention to detail excellent, and their familiarity with all of our needs reassuring. I can’t imagine planning a Congress without them, and they are fun besides!

Mary Ann Chapman, PhD, Executive Director, IAPRD

ECTS - European Calcified Tissue Society

Elmarie Herloff-Petersen, Executive Director ECTS

I joined ECTS halfway through the planning process of our Annual Congress that was delivered in 2024. The project staff from Interplan immediately ensured that I had all the relevant information, was updated regularly and aware of all deadlines and milestones that we had to achieve to ensure success. All decisions and objectives were meticulously recorded, followed up on and pro-actively communicated when budgets and deadlines were impacted. This ensured preparedness and made change management less demanding. Their attention to detail, co-operation and support with targets ensured that we met deadlines and delivered a flawless event. It was a pleasure to work with Interplan throughout this process and we look forward to our future events hosted with Interplan as our partner.

Elmarie Herloff-Petersen, Executive Director ECTS

48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

…That has to be the quickest stand approval we’ve ever received…you’re officially my favourite show organiser!…

Jamie Adams, Fernleigh Design

ERA European Renal Association

Monica Fontana, Executive Director, European Renal Association

Professionalism, know-how, teamwork, experience and networking is the standard. Collaboration on a level playing field and a partnership based on trust are the crucial elements. This is more important today than ever before, which is why we value very much having a partner like Interplan at our side.

Monica Fontana, Executive Director, European Renal Association

Annual Meeting of the EASD 2019

I just wanted to let you know we were thrilled with our experience at EASD. From your organization’s support and communications, to the onsite vendors and the outstanding crowds, we could not have been more pleased with EASD 2019. We look forward to 2020!

Milo Falcon, President Pharmatecture, LLC

German Pain and Palliative Meeting 2020 - ONLINE

Dr. Heinz Beitinger

"...a memorable congress comes to an end, an extraordinary milestone for all of us and one we have been working towards since Leipzig and long before. And it was also an extraordinary, successful week for the participants and sponsors of the German Pain and Palliative Meeting 2020 - ONLINE. At this point, and once again, a big thank you to your team for the great achievement, the lively collaboration..."

Dr. Heinz Beitinger

EAACI Congress, Munich 2018

Prof. Dr. Jeroen Buters, Deputy Director ZAUM, local organizing commission

...the presidential dinner your organized was a success, and much better than I ever expected. You suggested a terrific band, and for the first time since over a decade that I have been at the conference, all people got up and danced! Second, the decoration was superb, and third, this was the first time I ever got flowers for my work. And then you came with a vase with water for the flowers. Such attention to detail is extraordinary and was much appreciated!

Prof. Dr. Jeroen Buters, Deputy Director ZAUM, local organizing commission

EAACI Congress 2018/2019

Carsten Schmidt-Weber Chair for Molecular Allergology, Director of the Institute of Allergy research (IAF; Helmholtz Zentrum München)

...In my voluntary activity as Vice President of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), I organized the annual congresses in Munich and Lisbon with Interplan. Interplan was a great help in the organization and is characterized by a very reliable management and a high professionalism. In conclusion, I would like to support and recommend Interplan, since price and performance as well as the reliability and the people behind the company are an ideal combination that I do not think can be found in other companies...

Carsten Schmidt-Weber Chair for Molecular Allergology, Director of the Institute of Allergy research (IAF; Helmholtz Zentrum München)

4th International Congress of the EuroELSO

…I believe that we have achieved something special both from a scientific point of view as well as from the ambience…

Dr. Thomas Müller, Chairman EuroELSO 2015

EuroELSO 2020 – Virtual ECMO Day

Mirko Belliato, Direttore F.F.<br/>U.O.C. Anestesia e Rianimazione II Cardiopolmonare<br/>Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italia

… Compliments to all! Especially to the Interplan team, great work! …

Mirko Belliato, Direttore F.F.
U.O.C. Anestesia e Rianimazione II Cardiopolmonare
Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italia

Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2016

…Thanks for a great congress and amazing customer service throughout the whole process…congratulations to you and your team for the efficient and professional work throughout the whole process of this show…

Laetitia Montfort, HeartWare – International Exhibits and Events Specialist

45th European Brain and Behaviour Society Meeting

Dr. Mathias V. Schmidt, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry

…you and your team have truly put the Interplan Motto into practice: We want to see you smile…

Dr. Mathias V. Schmidt, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry

50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

…Your colleagues on site were extremely helpful, and although I am sure we were your smallest partner in Vienna, I always got hundred per cent attention and dedication…

Edgar Brazda, Promenade Medical Communications

18th Symposium on Infections in the Immunocompromised Host

…We enjoyed working with you and were very impressed by the level of service and hospitality you and the team showed our guests…

Michelle Trimble, Executive Secretary

ECTS Congress 2018

Roberta Mugnai, Executive Director ECTS until 2023 – European Calcified Tissue Society

...On behalf of all of us at ECTS, thank you very much for your tremendous job in the planning of ECTS 2018. You helped us staying on track with our milestones, you gave us valuable advice and you made this year congress a wonderful success...

Roberta Mugnai, Executive Director ECTS until 2023 – European Calcified Tissue Society

Virtual EASD Annual Meeting 2020

…We really are excited to work with you and your team and you have developed a phenomenal professionally organised run virtual event the calibre of which I have not seen before now during these pandemic times. So thank you from all of us its an exceptional approach…

Mary Mcdermott, Marketing Communications Manager EMEA Abbott

48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

…The professional attitude, facing whatever situations even the tough ones with a smile…

Mohamed Elwi, Novartis Pharma Services AG

EAACI Congress 2019

Joana Melo, Altice Arena Corporate Events

"...First of all I would like to tell you that you have a great team and that I love to work with you all. We “speak the same language” when working and it makes the whole difference..."

Joana Melo, Altice Arena Corporate Events

Hilton Munich Park – Reference

…The Hilton Hotels in Munich appreciate the reliable and professional collaboration during different periods of congress organisation…

Verena Wogatai, Area Director of Business Development Germany South Hilton Hotels

European Congress of Endocrinology

…It is not often that we enjoy such a pleasant cooperation with an agency. We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you and your team…

H-Hotels – RAMADA / H2Hotels, Munich

13th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care

…I would like to thank you and Elke and the rest of the team for the excellent organization of the conference. A job well done!…

Lora Cascun, Hospital Nursing Manager

OSCE Conference 2016 & G20 Summit 2017, Hamburg

Claudia Maruhn , Group Sales Manager, Grand Elysée Hamburg

...the collaboration with you and Interplan within the framework of the OSCE Conference was consistently underlined by professionalism and reliability. In particular, I wish to highlight the friendliness and warmth which I encountered at all times. It is clear to me that you understand and love your profession and I look very much forward to collaborating on future joint projects. I could not have wished for a better partner for these special occasions...

Claudia Maruhn , Group Sales Manager, Grand Elysée Hamburg

Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

…Interplan is one of the most professional congress organisers in Europe. Their employees were extremely friendly and effective and the co-operation was really enjoyable…

Dr. Viktor Jörgens, CEO EASD 1987–2015

Congress of the European Brewery Convention 2013

…your commitment…was something which we had never experienced in this form…

John M. Brauer, EBC Executive Officer, The Brewers of Europe

Virtual EASD Annual Meeting 2021

Prof. Stefano Del Prato (University Pisa & EASD President 2020 – 2022)

24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society

…your dealings with us were always responded to in the most collaborative and friendly fashion - you made us all feel we were part of a larger, cohesive team with a singular focus…

Jean-Pierre Mongeau, Executive Director, The Transplantation Society

ENDOCLUBNORD online 2020

Prof. Jürgen Pohl, Director of scientific content, Hamburg

...It really was a gigantic challenge for everyone and the nerves were strained – but it was absolutely worth it! I have received very good feedback for the event and would like to personally thank you and the whole Interplan team...

Prof. Jürgen Pohl, Director of scientific content, Hamburg

Virtual IAPRD 2021 World Congress

Mary Ann Chapman, PhD, Executive Director, IAPRD

... Thank you all for your work on the IAPRD 2021 Congress – it was a great success!! We appreciate your professionality and responsiveness all the way through. We are truly pleased with our first virtual congress – everything from the look and feel of the congress to the technical aspects to the amount of industry support. We also appreciate your collaboration and flexibility and look forward to Prague and beyond …

Mary Ann Chapman, PhD, Executive Director, IAPRD

EAACI Congress Munich, 2018

Charlotte Horder, Marketing & Communications Manager, EAACI Headquarters

..., I would like to say a BIG thank of the things I enjoy the most is the collaboration as a team. It is complex, but it works because you are all so professional, knowledgeable & wonderful to work with!

Charlotte Horder, Marketing & Communications Manager, EAACI Headquarters

61st International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research

…your professional competence, and, in general, your very humane and friendly manner in dealing with your counterparts…

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hensel, Managing Director, Institue for Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry, Münster

55th Annual Meeting of the EASD

Oksana Ladna, Global Customer Engagement Manager, Novo Nordisk A/S

"...I want to say a big Thank you to you and the Interplan team for a fantastic EASD 2019! It was a successful congress for us, and a very good experience working together with you and the team. I am looking very much forward to EASD 2020..."

Oksana Ladna, Global Customer Engagement Manager, Novo Nordisk A/S

39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Cardiology

…I would just like to let you know what an outstanding job your staff did during the pre-planning phase of the event as well as while on-site during the event…Our experience with your company was truly a pleasant one and I would like to thank you both for the quality service and the professionalism of your staff

Jamie Krukewitt, Event Manager, Abbott Laboratories

EuroELSO 2020 – Virtual ECMO Day

Jan Bělohlávek, EuroELSO President

… Great achievement and success! Impressive numbers. Thanks to all of you, wonderful job! …

Jan Bělohlávek, EuroELSO President

ACCOR Hotels

…Your fair and open manner of communication on an equal footing, the understanding you show towards a hotel as well as your ability to find quick solutions are remarkable…

Markus Brodmann, Director Association and Congress NE

G20 Summit Hamburg

Marion Mohr, Market Director of Sales -  Hamburg Marriott Hotel

...Our properties, the Renaissance Hamburg Hotel and the Hamburg Marriott Hotel, have been working with Interplan for many years and have always been completely satisfied with their service. The staff at Interplan's is knowledgeable, very service-minded and always very friendly. We have had the great pleasure to working with Interplan during OSCE in December 2016 and also during the G20 Summit in July 2017. Especially during those big events, we were most impressed with their excellent services and the trusting cooperation. They have always been available in the pre- and post-planning phase and during the summit itself we were even able to contact them 24 hours. No matter what question or challenge occurred, they have been a great support. Would I be in need of an agency or housing bureau, I would certainly not hesitate to contract Interplan's services...

Marion Mohr, Market Director of Sales - Hamburg Marriott Hotel

49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

…Your professional ethics, speed of response, courtesy and availability are impeccable and working with you is a pleasure and has made my job so much easier…

Elena Jane Fezzardi, Rapiergroup

Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2016

…to compliment you and your colleagues with a well organized EASD congress. We had significant traffic in our booth, felt appreciated as exhibitors and our problems were solved quickly…

Arlette Goddijn, President IDx Europe

EuroELSO Congress, London 4 – 6 May 2022

Nicholas Barrett, Congress Chair | Consultant in Critical Care Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London

… thank you and your team very much for helping make the London congress so successful. It has been a long haul for us all and wonderful to see us finally get there. You and your team were brilliant.

Nicholas Barrett, Congress Chair | Consultant in Critical Care Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London

ERS International Congress | Barcelona, Spain, 4-6 September 2022

I wanted to say a big thank you to the Interplan team for your excellent work! It has been a pleasure working with you throughout the entire year and planning for a real F2F congress involving real stands real meeting rooms and especially real people! Looking forward to the next one that will, as usual, come with its load of tricks and fun. All the best to the always Rocking Interplan Team!

Kristof Kemp | European Respiratory Society | Congress Industry Relations Manager

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus)

Paula Blomster | Congress Manager

...What sets Interplan apart is their commitment to maintaining an open and transparent relationship with both their clients and partners. This transparency not only fosters trust but also leads to better outcomes for the events they organize. Clear, honest communication ensures that there are no hidden agendas, such as undisclosed commissions, which often complicate collaboration. Their straightforward approach creates an environment where all parties are aligned, leading to a smoother and more successful event. It is important to acknowledge that the services provided by a top-tier PCO like Interplan come with associated costs. I strongly advise any association considering different PCOs to recognize the value of a comprehensive service. Opting for the lowest-cost provider can sometimes come at the expense of quality, as hidden costs or commissions may be overlooked in the initial decision-making process. With Interplan, you can be confident that every expense is transparent and justified, ensuring peace of mind for the client. One of the most commendable qualities of Interplan is their unwavering focus on the needs of their clients. Their operations run smoothly because the team approaches every project with a structured, methodical mindset. They proactively share all relevant information, anticipate potential challenges, and develop contingency plans to prevent mistakes. This attention to detail, combined with their warm and professional demeanor, makes working with them a true pleasure. In my experience, their positive attitude contributes significantly to the success of any event they manage. In summary, I wholeheartedly recommend Interplan to any organization seeking a reliable, transparent, and client-focused PCO.

Paula Blomster | Congress Manager
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